Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I will be playing competition golf again in 2015

I will be training next year to play the tour again in actually 2016, from now until Jan 2016 I will be training, playing and preparing in all aspects to be the absolute best player I can be.

It will start with some state open events 1st to see how well I compete, then I will determine what tour I will be competing on.

I don't have a target tournament date yet, but I will soon. I believe all competition golfers should create a plan of attack to reaching their goals.

In the meantime I will continue running and operating my business Elite Golf Performance based in Austin,Texas

Currently I'm training primarily fitness and swing training, as the year comes to an end I will be playing 5-6 days per week along with tons of short game, but for now I'm building the machine
Kettlebells/Bodyweight training are of my main focus. Gaining strength, speed, flexibility and balance is of my main concern, we can only do what our bodies allow. I'm currently pretty good in all areas of fitness, but I will be taking that to a new level over the next few years.

I train everyday on actually the online training program that I built, I guess a way to look at all of this is i will be putting my money where my mouth is so to speak. Without pitching a sales line, I can tell you that the online program I built     and it is truly the best training program on the market and my training for the tour we be based off of it and nothing else. I will be training exactly what I preach and exactly how my students are training in the program.

The playing of competition again excites me and will be fun seeing where I stand and what I need to do to get to the highest level in competition. Tough road, but i have the talent and knowledge to accomplish it

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